Advent is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in American (ELCA) and part of the Greater Milwaukee Synod. We are a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) church, which means we welcome all people, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or gender identity.
Serving ALL Humanity to Build
a Community That Emulates Christ
9:00 am Worship
10:15 am Sunday School
February Adult Forums - Black Theologians
In honor of Black History Month, Pastor Alexis will be leading a 4-part Adult Forum series after worship on Black Theologians through history. We will explore these significant figures and reflect on the impacts they made on theology, the Church, and their communities— past, present and future.
Week 1 (Feb 2) - Augustine & Athanasius
Week 2 (Feb 16) - Richard Allen & Absalom Jones [led over Zoom]
Week 3 (Feb 23) - James Cone & Howard Thurman
Week 4 (Mar 2) - Wil Gafney & M. Shawn Copeland
Find more information about our weekly classes: Confirmation (6th - 12th grade) Sunday School (K3- 5th)